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Three score and ten or more

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I just returned from a week long visit with my daughter in Columbia S.C.   It was a wonderful week.  We went to the road company of Mama Mia, which was a delight.  We shopped (Janet does that for fun), played with Roscoe (the basset hound) and I managed to get her gas grill hooked up (with old fashioned hook up), repaired her garden tiller, went to church and sang with the choir as if I had practiced for it, read three books,  and generally had  a wonderful time.  (even without internet access).

I came home to find that the new pump I installed on the pool is still working and the water is now devoid of copulating frogs, pine pollen and most of the crud on the bottom of the pool. (for this I thank my son who raked the pool and put the proper chemicals in place)   It was a good week.

I sat at the computer and decided that I have got to revert to previous style and mix personal situations (the blog has become a litany of my and Janet’s aches and pains) with memories of the past and  other stuff that will result in at least two or three posts a week, or I have got to quit the whole dang thing.  I decided on the first procedure and we will see how successful I am.

A comment on politics.  Just before I left the government announce that it was going to penalize Toyota 16.4 million bucks for the rash of sticky gas pedals that have been so publicized,   Did any one notice that this decision was made on the day following the announcement that Toyota’s sales were up over ninety percent compared to G.M. which improved sales last month about twenty percent.  Is this a coincidence.  I can just see the new owners of G.M.  (the Federal Bureaucrats who also made the decision about Toyota) screaming “THey can’t do that!  We’ll fix them!   How dare they do better than GM when we have been publicizing all their problems through our suck up media for months.”

“We’ll penalize them all those profits”  (ask them how much GM was penalized for the Vega, or Ford for the Pinto [the only out door grill that seated four people]

I am still hoping that the Health Program (or whatever it is called) will prove an improvement over the status quo, but the evidence so far doesn’t support that hope. 


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Joubert said...

You are not the only one who thinks like that about Government Motors and Toyota.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Norma said...

Having a carotid checked a year later, sounds like your Obamacare is already in place. But, since you're not going to write about that anymore. . .

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Norma said...

Patrick, when did you start requiring login for commenting?

At 7:11 AM, Anonymous UnitedWeLay said...

I just saw your post from a while back on my page. It's been a rough year but I'm doing okay and enjoying staying home with my infant daughter. I'm trying to get back into writing but I'm experiencing some writer's block.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Three Score and Ten or more said...

UWL, I am so pleased that you found the time to get to me and say hello. Some of us have really been a bit worried. I'm glad things are stable so that you can stay home a bit.
Patrick's "Echo" rigamorole but if you get through it twice, you don't have to mess with it much .


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