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Three score and ten or more

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Here again =sort of

I started the return enthusiclly, but ran into a couple of snags.  On March 1 I got up and got ready for church, and as I was tying my tie, I felt a sharp  pain in my neck that seemed to run up inot my head and down to my feet.  I shook it off and finished the tie thing. but when I turned to get my jacket, my left foot seemed stuck to the floor.   As I tried to more it I discovered that my left leg was completely paralyzed.  I askd my wife to help me get to church, and she did, but we made a semi- spectacle and I realized that I had had a stroke.  

AFter a couple of days in the hospital where they shot me with blood thinners and told me I was stupid not to come to the hospital immediately because the three hour window in which a stroke is best treated was almost up.

I was diapered for the first time in my memory because Icouldnt get up stop urinate, and I was miserable and scared the heck out of my family.

I spent most of three days in the hospital. but they got my right leg to more on its own and using a walker I got home.

Things are still a bit weird, but with a rolling walker I can stand and walk, and yesterday, I got approval to drive the car, (but not by myself).

I will get back to the posting/blogging business as things even out, because there are some things that I wasn’t to write about while I still can.  I am pooped our right now though, so goodnight.

.  Richard


At 6:23 AM, Blogger Ed said...

Any day you are still with us is a good day!


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