I have been very quiet lately. I have found that this buying a house business is almost a full time job. ( With a power of attorney, I bought a house for my son when he was deployed, and it didn't seem nearly as difficulty). The process was complicated by another buyer who immediately posted a back up contract, so that if I don't get anything done on schedule, they are prepared to jump in. I have begun to work from a planner for the first time in years just to get everywhere I need to be when I need to be there. Of course the process is complicated by the fact that I am a stove-up old coot with the memory of a sieve, and Janet is still pretty fragile. (Though, off topic, I am so thrilled with her. She still walks like someone pretty frail, but she tossed away her cane - well, at least put it away- two weeks ago, she and I are both working through a diet program, and between her illness, a lot of water aerobics, and the diet she tried on a size **I don't tell her measurements just mine** skirt the other day. It didn’t' fit her yet, but it fastened and will fit soon, and she will be hastening down the size ladder-- I'm moving a bit more slowly. I took my measurements the other day and I have lost inches around the hips and chest so that now they are both smaller than my waist. Somehow that makes diet and exercise feel less rewarding.)
I actually have been writing. I spent a whole day thoughtfully writing a comment for one of the posts on Saurkraut that had to do with Mormons. Of course by the time I got it in, the topic she was following had changed four times so it was probably a waste of time. (She posts EVERY DAY, she is currently writing some interesting stuff about Will Durant. -- and no, the in-text link doesn't work, I am a failure at that, but there is a link in my blog-roll.) By the way, with some help from GAYLE I am finally getting to where I can edit or add to the blog-roll a bit so I will try to up date that.
Thanks to those who read this thing with some regularity in spite of my peripatetic contributions. Now I have got to make a decision about the loan.
Buying a house is difficult enough but buying and selling at the same time stinks especially if you have a back-up buyer sniffing your ass - as they say in France or the Appalachians or somewhere. And 30 plus years in one place! Oh boy.
I hope this all happens smoothly. I shutter to think of moving after 30 years!
Enjoy the pool ... enjoy it much more if you hire a pool service.
Thanks for mentioning the Will Durant posts. They were interesting, weren't they? As for the Mormon controversy, I was glad to see you weren't offended (It was about Sharpton's comments and an explanation of some of the things going on behind those comments). Anyway, I just learned Will Durant's book on India is banned in India, as are The Satanic Verses by Rushdie. Interesting! Durant's been dead for over 25 years and he's still controversial!
I wasn't offended, though I was disturbed, 1. at your attempt to redefined bigotry in order to justify Sharpton's behavior (for which he has publicly apologized to the church and to Romney)and 2 for your personal interpretation of church doctrine, also in order to justify Sharpton's behavior.
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